2020 Census Will Use Internet And Smartphones

Remember when encyclopedia sets were sold as genuine hard-backed books, with folks walking door to door to sign you up for the year's latest and greatest edition? Man, those were the days. And soon, we'll be saying the same about the census. According to a new report, the Census Bureau will conduct the 2020 census via the Internet. A trial of some sort is already underway, offering it as an option to around a quarter of a million households that are selected at random for the American Community Survey.

Come 2020, the Internet, smartphones and other technologies will be used to take stock of how the country is represented. Reportedly, the 2010 census cost $96 per household to conduct, up from $39 in the 1990s. Naturally, offering an Internet option is expected to lessen those costs dramatically, and frankly, it just makes sense. In fact, we're hoping this leads to the next obvious change: voting by Internet. (No, we aren't holding our breath on that one.)
Tags:  Internet, social, census