NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang Wants Advanced AI To Personalize Your Individual Driving Experience

Self-driving cars are all the rage  (road rage perhaps?) at the moment and of course NVIDIA has already jumped on the self-driving bandwagon with an entire suite of Drive PX 2-based products that employ the company's processors to power the brains of the operation. To further expand on the company's goals, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has stated that he envisions vehicles with artificial intelligence that would mold to each individuals’ preferences.

Huang recently spoke at an event alongside other tech titans including, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella and Netflix’s Reed Hastings. In a session entitled "Inside the Brain of the Artificially Intelligent Car", he remarked, “I can’t wait to turn the car into an AI and talk to it. It would be nice if it knew who I am and adjusted, if it knew what my day looks like so when I need to get on a conference call, it would make the call for me.”

Jen Hsun Huang

The NVIDIA CEO argued that AI, powered by GPU’s, will make self-driving cars smarter over time. He also argued that this development would move at a pace faster than predicted by Moore’s Law. Moore’s Law is an observation made in 1965 by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore. He noted that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year and would continue to do so at the same rate. Huang, however, believes that the AI for self-driving vehicles will develop at an exceptional speed.

Huang also believes that AI will begin to anticipate a driver’s needs and reduce human error. He stated, “The thing about software is that its quality improves over time, while people’s ability to drive diminishes. The answer is to develop really great software.”

ai brain

Other companies have made great strides in vehicle safety, with Otto just having completed the first self-driving truck commercial delivery. The company hopes that self-driving trucks will help truck drivers to rest on long stretches of road while still continuing to drive and make money. They also believe that these trucks will encourage safe-driving and reduce carbon emissions.