AMD Radeon R9 Fury Review: Fiji On Air Tested

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Performance

Funny thing about Shadow of Mordor; there’s that NVIDIA logo during an opening splash screen, but NVIDIA gets blown out of the water here, at least when we consider the battle between the Fury, 980, and 980 Ti. Monolith’s surprisingly fun Orc-slaying title also delivers a ton of visual fidelity even at the lowest quality settings. So to maximize eye candy while still maintaining a playable 40+ FPS at 4K, we ran the game’s High quality benchmark routine.

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Performance
Glorious Orc-Slaying Vengeance

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

fury mordor 1440p

fury mordor 4k

The Fury came in a whopping 22% faster than than NVIDIA’s GTX 980, and only 1% slower than their GTX 980 Ti. And, as we’re starting to discover, that performance lead over the 980 is amplified at 4K.

We would be remiss if we didn’t point out the obvious: It’s only 4% slower than the Fury X at 1440p, and 7% slower than the Fury X at 4K. If anything, we have enough proof by this point to state confidently that the cut-down, air-cooled version of AMD’s Fiji card is a beast and should absolutely give potential consumers pause when choosing between Fury and Fury X. 

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