Don't Have Time To Read A Long Article? Chrome's AI Will Highlight The Key Points

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Google Search is being rolled out with new generative AI capabilities that will help people better understand, digest and make sense of information on the web. The update comes just months after Google launched its generative AI-powered Search experience (SGE).

Google Search has recently seen some major changes in how it delivers information to users who are searching topics across the internet. Since its initial rollout, there have been updates that include more images and videos in overviews, improvements to how links are displayed, and more. Now, Google is adding a few more updates to SGE that will give users a leg up in being able to comprehend all of the often times convoluted information that a search generates.

One of the new features will be the ability to hover over certain words to preview definitions and see related diagrams or images that relate to the topic. If a user wants to explore a definition or image in more depth, they can tap or click to learn more. These handy add-ons will be for various topics such as science, economics, history, and more. This feature is slated to begin rolling out in the near future.

SGE definition preview image
Example image of SGE definition preview feature.

Another feature will focus on coding, providing tools that will aid those new to programming, as well as those who are seasoned veterans. SGE already provides AI-generated overviews in order to help with tasks that cover a number of programming languages and tools. The new updates, however, will give segments of code in overviews that will be color-coded with syntax highlighting, making identifying elements like keywords, comments, and strings even faster. This update began rolling out yesterday.

Often times when a user is researching a new topic they are met with extensive information that can be difficult to comprehend. "SGE while browsing" will be launched as an experiment in Search Labs, and aims to test how generative AI can help users wade through information and get to the core of what they are looking for faster. It is specifically designed to help people engage on a deeper level with long-form content from publishers and creators, while also making it easier to find exactly what they are searching for while browsing the internet.

Google believes that the new updates will improve the overall experience of searching content on the internet, harnessing the power of generative AI to make content easier to digest. If anyone has not yet signed up for access to Search Labs, they can do so via the Google app on both Android and iOS, as well as on Chrome desktop.