Wolfram Alpha Dishes Out A Desktop Application For $2.99

The Internet is a big, wide place. It's dark, damp, light, enlightening -- it's all of those things. But it's also difficult to wade through, even with something like Google at our disposal. Wolfram Alpha has been cutting through the noise for some time now, and this week they announced a partnership with Intel to bring all Wolfram mobile applications, including the Wolfram Alpha App, to Ultrabooks. The deal involves the AppUp center, and it's the first foray into the desktop app world for the company. The release states that the app boasts an an optimized user interface that takes advantage of the full PC screen, while also featuring a specialized keyboard, easy resizing of results, and extended copy and paste of query results and graphics.

Students and professionals use Wolfram Alpha in a variety of subject areas. Students can enter their specific homework problems and get immediate answers, including a "Show steps" feature for math-related queries. Later this year, Wolfram Alpha will release its series of Course Assistant Apps through the AppUp center in subjects such as calculus, astronomy, physics, and chemistry.

Other specialized Wolfram|Alpha-powered apps include resources for professionals and in-depth reference materials in a vast array of subject areas. To see a preview of what apps will be available on the store this year, please view the complete collection of Wolfram Alpha-powered apps here. As with other Alphas, nothing's free; it'll be $2.99 for those interested.