Microsoft Lists Resources For Porting Apps To Metro

Metro has become quite the buzzword these days, but what does it mean for developers? Microsoft, with only months to go before Windows 8 is released, is taking the chance to address that head-on. In a new post over at the MSDN Blogs, the company has stated that porting apps to Metro will be fairly easy, and the "hardest part is coming up with an app idea." They've laid out a number of valued links that explain how the porting process works, from design goals to migration of web app to Metro app. There's even a section that covers the migration of a Windows Phone app to XAML Metro, as well as WP7 to JavaScript Metro. Sadly, there's no resource listed for XNA or Silverlight porting just yet, but hopefully that's en route. Eager to get your port on? Give that via link below a look.