HotHardware Blogs

Everyone that has dared enter my office / lab over the last couple of years has noticed that I burn through input devices like Joey Chestnut through a pile of Nathan's Hot Dogs on the Fourth of July. It is not because I am particularly hard on them, it's just that I have a bit of OCD and can't (or don't want to) tolerate imperfections,... Read more...
So, late yesterday a couple of in-game screenshots landed in my inbox of id software's upcoming game Rage. Normally, I don't get overly excited when news of a hot, new gaming title first hits. Maybe it's because I've been a computer gamer since the early days of the Commodore 64 and I'm somewhat desensitized to the whole... Read more...
We've put up a new poll up on the front page regarding Windows Vista uptake amongst HotHardware's readership, just because it seems to be a lively discussion in our news with lots of strong opinions flying about.  So take the poll and let us know your vote but let's expand a little bit on... Read more...
I was reading through some comments on the news stories on the front page when I came across this one. I started typing out a reply along the lines of "I don't mind Vista" but 5 minutes later I was in a deep scathing rant about modern interfaces and how I hate them so. It occurred to me that it probably wasn't the right time... Read more...
By now, I'm sure most of you have seen many of Apple's excellent "I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC" ads--I'm particularly fond of the "Yoga" ad myself (Judy Greer...meow).  Over about the last year and a half or so, those ads have been a great success for Apple.  Mac Pros, iMacs, and MacBooks, not to... Read more...
Today was a day of days; the last day of our vacation and simply perfect.  Yesterday we were graced with the presence of none other than Marco and his lovely wife, Adrienne.  The weather was exceptional and so we took to the high seas for a little cruising, fishing and soaking up just a few stray UVs.  Alright then, a bit of... Read more...
As I'm sure you're all well aware, Hollywood has a long history of producing sub-par (way sub-par) movies based on popular video game franchises.  With a few rare exceptions, just about every movie based on a video game, from Super Mario Brothers to Doom, has stunk on multiple different levels.  We'll give Mortal Kombat... Read more...
There's nothing quite like a little downtime by the ocean, at least as far as this Cape Cod boy is concerned.  We've recently revamped the HotHardware blogs section and our developer, Andrey, was gracious enough to enable it almost immediately.  What a fitting opportunity to post in here, while "out of the office",... Read more...
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