iOS 6 Has a Hangover, Refuses to Disengage 'Do Not Disturb' Feature on New Year's Day

Don't worry if you're suffering from a hangover today, so are many others, and apparently your iPhone might have one as well. Not a real one, mind you, though reports have surfaced that some iOS 6 users have been bitten by a bug preventing Apple's scheduled "Do Not Disturb" feature from automatically disabling on New Year's Day.

The Do Not Disturb feature is supposed to silence calls, alerts, and notifications when it's enabled, and you can set it to run during specific hours, like late at night and into the wee hours of the morning when you're fast asleep. That's how it's supposed to work, anyway.

Do Not Disturb

"I am in Japan so it is 2013, and I am finding that my iOS devices (iPhone 4 and iPad 2) are showing 'Do Not Disturb' even though it is outside of the time I set for them. Not sure if this is related to the new year. Reloading the devices does not help and the software is up-to-date," an iOS user posted on MacRumors' forum.

He wasn't the only one who spotted the issue, nor was that the only forum where users have complained of the feature refusing to turn off on its own. As of this moment, there doesn't appear to be a fix, nor is there any rhyme or reason why some users are seeing the bug and others are not.

Do you use the Do Not Disturb feature? If so, has it been working correctly?