Samsung Galaxy Tab U.S. Carrier Release Dates Leaked?

Last night in New York City, Samsung announced that the 7" slate would come to AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile USA and Verizon Wireless "soon," but few details were given. No pricing was talked about, and no release dates. That's pretty odd for such a hyped launch, but Samsung is apparently leaving it up to the carriers to release details on the pricing structures and release time frames.

Today, a little bird dropped by and provided us with a few inside details on how the launches will go. AT&T should get the Galaxy Tab in mid-to-late October. Verizon Wireless should get their version (a CDMA version, of course) in early November. Sprint is looking at a mid-November release, with T-Mobile USA (the smallest of the four in terms of subscriber count) to get it last. It makes sense for T-Mobile to draw the short straw, and it's clear that Samsung wants these to all carriers before the holidays.
So those are the dates we were given; now you know about how much time you have to decide if the Galaxy Tab is the tablet for you. Now, if only we had pricing to also take into consideration!