PlayStation 4 Pre-orders Already Commanding Ridiculous Premiums on eBay
A quick peek at ended auctions on eBay reveals that someone purchased the rights to a pre-ordered PS4 console for $9.999.99 with free overnight shipping.

"My wife and I are going through a very tough time and need financial help," the listing states. "We have our first baby on the way and are very excited but need help. Thank you very much. I also am donating a large percent to Make a Wish Foundation."
Whether or not the seller is telling the truth, who knows. It's also not known if the winning bid is legitimate, though at the insane asking price of ten grand, we'd lean toward it not being honored. Still, there are several other PS4 pre-order auctions for thousands of dollars, and some in the high hundreds, well above the console's $399 MSRP. Even if just one of those turns out to be legit, it's a head-scratcher.

The crazy thing about this is that you can pre-order the PS4 at several retailers. Walmart, for example, has the PS4 available to pre-order for $399.96 with free shipping on launch date. And while GameStop is sold out, both Best Buy and Target are promising day-of-release availability for pre-orders. Toys R Us is currently sold out, but promises more will be "available again soon."