OCZ's Colossus SSD To Ship In 128GB-1TB Sizes This Month
Thanks to a tidbit from OCZ itself, we're told that the outfit is preparing to ship its beastly Colossus SSD lineup in around three weeks, meaning that you should be able to upgrade your rig in fine fashion prior to Labor Day. The drive, which will boast a 3.5" form factor and will likely be one of the fastest (if not the fastest) desktop drive on the market, will ship in sizes of 128GB, 256GB, 512GB and 1TB for prices of $300, $650, $1200 and $2200, respectively.

The real question is this: are you willing to sink that deep into your child's future college fund in order to snag the bragging rights of a 2TB SSD RAID setup within your desktop? Decisions, decisions!