LEGO Fusion Kits Lets Kids Of All Ages Bring Physical Creations Into Digital Games

Kids have never had it so good. As if having myriad digital entertainment options in addition to marvelous physical toys such as LEGOs weren’t enough, now they get both.

LEGO is coming out with Fusion kits, which consist of 200 pieces and let you build facades on a special “Fusion Capture Plate”. The facades are 16x16 bricks, and they must have a door; then, you capture your creation with the game’s free iOS or Android app, and it’s reconstructed virtually inside the game. Townspeople interact with your building and give you feedback on it.

LEGO Fusion kit

But wait, there’s more: You can build a tower for battle within a Tower Defense game. You can strategize by creating a tower that works best with the type of defenders you select, and as you repel more invaders, you collect more LEGO pieces with which you can build objects in the virtual world.

You are limited to just 200 pieces in each kit--we imagine that as LEGO perfects the platform, you’ll have more options--but they cost just $34.99, which isn’t too much at all for a fun LEGO kit.