HP Driver Unlocks Multi-Touch On Older Touchpad

If you haven't updated the driver for your laptop's touchpad lately, you may want to think about doing so, particularly if your laptop has a Synaptics touchpad. As a user on Hardware Zone forums discovered, there's a new driver from Synaptics that enables multitouch gestures as well as two-finger scrolling and three-finger click. What's really cool is that this driver enables this functionality for older laptops that didn't previously support these functions.

Although it was thought that older touchpads were not capable of multi-touch, this driver update appears to prove otherwise. Another pleasant surprise is the unlocking of two- and three-finger gestures since even modded drivers were not able to achieve this.

The drivers actually come from HP, but they will likely work on other laptops with Synaptics touchpads as well. There are drivers available for Windows XP, Vista, and 7.