Take Your Turn-by-Turn Directions from Marge Simpson or Mr. Burns on TomTom

For a relatively small fee, Marge Simpson and/or Mr. Burns will happily tell you where to make your next turn, or order you around the neighborhood depending on which character you choose. They're the newest voice downloads to land on the TomTom navigation app for iPhone, iPad, and personal navigation devices (PNDs), the company announced today.

"We want to keep the offerings on the TomTom app fresh and exciting by introducing new voices at different times," said Jeffrey Godsick, President of Fox Consumer Products. "We know that fans of the show are going to appreciate these new additions as it gives them yet another platform to enjoy one of the greatest shows of all time.

Marge Simpson and Mr. Burns join the voice of Home Simpson, which TomTom claims has become the most downloaded character voice of all time for TomTom GPS apps and PNDs. Each one costs $5.99 as an in-app purchase on the iPhone and iPad, or $12.95 as a download for use on TomTom PNDs.

You can listen to samples at the following the links:

Home Simpson
Marge Simpson
Mr. Burns