Forget Nuka-Cola, Bethesda Accepts 2200 Beer Bottle Caps As Payment For Fallout 4 Pre-Order

Every Fallout fan who didn't send Bethesda Softworks thousands of bottle caps is now kicking themselves. Well, that's assuming they had a stockpile of bottle caps to begin with. A guy named Seth did -- around 2,240 beer caps that he amassed over a seven-year period while attending college. With Fallout 4 on the horizon, he sent the beer caps to Bethesda in hopes of scoring a copy of the game, and the stunt worked!

"Fallout 3 was my favorite game for several years, so I made the rational choice to start saving up bottle caps," Seth explained on imgur. "Turns out 4.5 years of undergrad and 3 years in a Master's program leads to a lot of drinking. It ended up being 11.2 pounds of bottle caps. You don't want to know how much it cost to ship to Maryland."

Bottle Caps

Due to their scarcity, bottle caps are the standard currency in Fallout. In an accompanying letter to Bethesda, Seth explains that he wasn't sure of the exchange rate they'd have in the real-world, but was thinking "somewhere in the range of 2,240 caps. That ought to cover it, right?"

Give Bethesda credit, they honored Seth's request.

Grandstaff is Bethesda's global community lead. In addition to the above Twitter post, he sent Seth a reply letting him know he'd be receiving a copy of the game since he was the "first person to do this." In other words, this is a one and done deal. Or put another way, Bethesda was more than happy to play along, but isn't interested in receiving truckloads of bottle caps from everyone Fallout fan with a hookup at a local bottling or recycling factory.