Google Makes Good on Promise, Adds Retina Display Support to Chrome Browser

Back in the second week of June, Google told the world that "Apple recently announced a new laptop with a Retina high-resolution screen, and we're committed to polishing Chrome until it shines on that machine." Well, it appears Google is happy with the shine, because the newest stable Chrome build now officially supports high-resolution Mac Retina screens.

The result is clearer looking text, with the effect exaggerated in Google's close-up shot (see image below), when using Chrome 21 on a new MacBook Pro. But that's not all that is new.

Google Chrome Retina Display

In addition to Retina Display support, Google added the getUserMedia API to Chrome, which lets users grant Web apps access to the camera and microphone without a plug-in. It also paves the way for Web app developers to get creative with things like Webcam Toy and Magic Xylophone, Google says.

Finally, the latest stable Chrome build includes deeper Google Cloud Print integration and expanded support for gamepads.