Evidence Suggests Next Version of Android is Still Jelly Bean

Salivating for a slice of delicious Key Lime Pie to go with your Android device? So are we, but unfortunately Google may be preoccupied with another Jelly Bean build before it launches another major version of its open source Android software. The evidence is in Google's server logs, some of which show references to Android 4.3.

It's not difficult to spoof server logs, but the detectives at Android Police claim to have traced the IP range of the logs in question right back to Google itself.

Google Nexus 4

"In fact, two different IP ranges, both corresponding to Google employees. Employees that have a lot to do with Android. It's the same IP range that had previously clued us in to some of the unreleased versions of Android before they were announced," Android Police reports.

The references in question are for "Android 4.3 JWR23B," with the Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 being the two devices that have showed up next to the entries. It's also interesting to note that there are comments in the official Chromium bug tracker that list JWR23B as a build number, providing further evidence that another version of Jelly Bean, not Key Lime Pie, is around the corner.