Bill Gates To Appear on Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) Fielding Your Questions

Billionaire, Genius, Playboy, Philanthropist - these are terms you may have heard in reference to the fictional Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. In reality however, super heroes these days come from all walks of life, including Super Geek Heroes like Bill Gates. There's little question, few people have done more to shape the face of the modern computing than Mr. Gates. In his earlier days, the man was either revered, feared or loathed (competitively) for his business prowess, creativity and analytical foresight. 

These days, the Bill Gates is a shining example of what it means to give back to your fellow man. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation does some pretty amazing things for charities in support of ending famine, relieving poverty, bolstering education and protecting the environment.


Ever wonder what makes a great man tick?  Ever want to ask questions about Microsoft products that you just couldn't get enough of, or couldn't get rid of quick enough?  Have a  nagging question about whatever happened to the Kin?  Or maybe you want to know what Billy G. thinks the next big trend will be in personal computing... Here's your chance to fire off hardball or softball questions, teed up for the man some have called the "Borg."  Resistance may be futile but hey, Reddit has you covered.  Check out the official Bill Gates-sponsored Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) and post up whatever it is you've been dieing to know about Bill, his vision of the future or perhaps is angle from the rear-view.

Update: Bill has finished up his AMA at this point.  Hopefully you got a chance to get in on the action.  We'll be covering a follow-up to this shortly...