Search Results For: whdi.aspx
Wirelessly streaming HD has been possible for years now, but until recently, most devices that accomplish that goal required a hefty down payment. Those solutions weren't for the everyman, and instead catered to homeowners with loads to spend on a wire-free home theater. But these days, things are different...
If you've been keeping an eye on the tech product introductions of late, you may have noticed a trend. Wireless HD streaming. It's everywhere, and it's expanding still. Amimon is a name that is a staple of this industry, but due to product costs, they haven't had a huge push in the consumer market. High-end A/V installers have known about...
Somewhat quietly, the wireless streaming space is becoming highly competitive. WHDI is showing up in more and more places (even a GPU recently), and with the demand for HD on the rise, Wireless USB is being pressured into innovating as well. A number of Wireless USB dongles and adapters are available, but most of them...
Wireless streaming, aside from tablet PCs, seems to be all the rage these days. It was once reserved for those in the high-end market, but now the technology has hit a price point that's ready for mass market. Brite-View has been in the game for some time now, primarily in the business of creating media streamers. But...
It's a trend that has been slowing gaining steam over the past few years, but now that slowness has turned into a rapid sprint to the finish line. Wireless HD streaming was once a luxury reserved for those who invested a great deal of funds into their home cinema system; now, the technologies have multiplied and the prices have sank, making...