Search Results For: iogear.aspx
USB 3.0 may not be the hotness that it was a year or so ago, but it's still a protocol that's not adopted everywhere, and in turn, more and more accessory companies are jumping on the bandwagon -- even today. IOGEAR has just announced a new SuperSpeed family of products, including the SuperSpeed USB 3.0 4-Port Hub (GUH374) and USB 3.0 SD/Micro...
Does the world really have machines that are still actively being used...without Wi-Fi? It may seem hard to believe if you're living in a society that's eternally connected, but the niche still exists in some places. To solve that problem, and provide connectivity to machines that were born without, IOGEAR has...
USB really is universal. The port has been used for an untold number of things in the computing universe, and more recently, accessory makers have figure out how to transmit video signals through the same cable that's more commonly used to connect printers and scanners. IOGEAR is one of those companies, recently introducing a USB-to-HD adapter...
It's something that we take for granted, but without it, there's no computing to speak of. It's the grand ole keyboard, and if you need a new one, IOGEAR has two new ones to choose from. The company has introduced today two new 2.4GHz wireless keyboards, complete with an optical trackball, scroll wheel and convenient hotkeys. The first is...