NFC Ring Promises Secure Access To Smartphones, Your Home, Office, and More

Wearable computing is increasingly becoming something that makes sense for average users, and here’s another reason to take the plunge: the NFC ring. Simply put, the ring is equipped with two NFC transmitters or “inlays”--one for public use and a secure one for private use--and it allows to wearer to perform actions such as unlocking a phone or sharing WiFi information.

NFC ring maker John McLear also suggests use cases such as unlocking the door of your house, sharing links to websites or photos, and sharing contact information (bringing heightened importance to the handshake), and even launch apps on a phone.

NFC Ring

The device is simply constructed out of titanium and steel and consists of RFID reflective material, an NFC inlay with an NTAG 203 chip, an inlay cover, and a clear RFID passive coating.

NFC Ring unlocks smartphones

McLear says that the ring has been in development for over a year, and now that prototyping is complete, he’s ready to raise some production cash. So far, the project has blown past its goal of £30,000 on Kickstarter; as it stands, it’s raised £78,387 with 24 days to go.

It’s also noteworthy that this particular bit of wearable tech appears to be impressively inexpensive; for a pledge of just £22, backers receive the NFC Ring and an app.