ECS KN1 SLI Extreme, BYTECC LanDisk NAS, F/A-18E Cockpit and More!

Sunbeamtech Theta TP-101 Fan Controller @

"Sunbeamtech has offered the typical fan controller (rheobus) in a variety of styles in the past, but the software based Theta TP-101 is much different. Instead of using knobs to mechanically vary resistance, a Windows interface is used to automate this through software, while providing on screen information for up to eight fans and eight thermal probes."

ECS KN1 SLI Extreme Review @AMDZone:

"ECS took us by surprise with their nForce 4 Ultra based KN1 Extreme earlier this year, and followed that up with their revealing their SDGE technology a couple of months ago. Long a budget motherboard maker they made their plans known to enter the enthusiast market, and as a top tier motherboard manufacturer they have all the tools too. Today we look at their latest KN1 SLI Extreme which is their follow-up to the KN1. Taking on the crowded SLI board market will be no easy task, and lets see how they have done."

BYTECC LanDisk NAS @ Tweaktown:

"While we've seen any number of external hard drive enclosures, just about every single one of them is accessed through either the USB or IEEE1394 (Firewire) ports. The LanDisk, as the name implies, relies on networking a hard drive - it's a NAS product or Network Attached Storage. This puts a new twist on external storage from what we've become accustomed to."

Logitech G7 Laser Mouse Review @

"Logitech is a respected manufacturer in the gaming and computer enthusiast community, and for a good reason. Throughout its history, Logitech has always managed to set standards in the peripherals market, especially with keyboard and mice that are specially designed for the gamers in mind. Quite obviously, the price of Logitech branded products is above average than what a standard user might need, but for those of us who breathe gaming, majority of Logitech's products are a pleasure to use. Recently, Logitech introduced a new line of gaming products as part of its "G" series product lineup."

Clark's Precision Machine & Tool's F/A-18E Cockpit @ SimHQ Review:

You Flight Sim fans will love the attention to detail with the F/A-18E Cockpit. Heck, for $68,000, you can have your very own authentic F/A-18E cockpit, although I'm not sure if the ejection seat works. Head on over and dare to dream!

Tags:  ECS, sli, NAS, LAN, disk, Xtreme, extreme, XT, ECC, Pi, eme, and, K, N1