Facebook Testing “Buy” Button On Ads In Newsfeeds

Don’t freak out, but Facebook is testing a new feature that would put “Buy” buttons on ads within the social network. Simply, users would see an ad, and the ad would have a button that you could click to purchase the item you see, all without leaving Facebook.

This is an obvious evolution of having ads on Facebook, and it actually makes a lot sense for businesses looking to build their brands on the platform. It seems like this capability would rely on users to impulse buy; a click (or two or three?) and you’ve purchased what you want, all without that built-in second guessing you get when a click sends you to a new site.


There are also clear areas where privacy and security are a concern, although Facebook promises that it won’t be a problem. “We’ve built this feature with privacy in mind, and have taken steps to help make the payment experience safe and secure,” reads a blog post. “None of the credit or debit card information people share with Facebook when completing a transaction will be shared with other advertisers, and people can select whether or not they’d like to save payment information for future purchases.”

Facebook is currently testing the feature with some small- and medium-sized businesses around the country. There’s no timeline for when the tool would roll out worldwide.