Bigfoot Networks Killer Xeno Pro Sneak Peek

Back in March, BigFoot Networks announced plans to release PCI Express-based versions of their Killer NIC, dubbed the Killer Xeno Pro and Killer Xeno Ultra. In addition to all of the features offered by the original Killer NIC, the new Killer Xeno versions were to come with more on-board memory, an upgraded network processing unit (NPU), and integrated audio for hardware-accelerated voice-chat. The main features and specifications of the Killer Xeno include:

  • PCIe interface: provides for higher throughput.
  • Killer Xeno NPU: dedicated smart packet processor for all network operations, ensures the delivery of time sensitive data like game control and VoIP.
  • Plug and Play compatibility with all games.
  • Windows network stack bypass: provides for direct to game interrupts.
  • Integrated audio chip: offloads VoIP operations to Killer Xeno NPU for ‘”hiccup-free” voice communications while gaming.
  • On board RAM (256 MB/Ultra and 128/Pro): enables applications such as Firewall, VoIP chat and bandwidth control to run on the card simultaneously with no system performance degradation.
  • Firewall: Stops intruders with zero gaming performance impact. Based on robust Linux iptable implementation.
  • Bandwidth control: Prioritize network traffic for each application by setting bandwidth priorities and max/min limits through a simple interface.
  • Onboard status display: Xeno Ultra model includes a customizable LED display for caller ID, network statistics, game information or any user-customized messages.



EVGA Killer Xeno Pro

We have finally gotten our hands on a Killer Xeno Pro, by way of EVGA. As you can see, the card is very small, and features audio inputs and outputs, alongside its USB and RL45 LAN jacks. We're putting the cards through its paces now and will be posting a full evaluation as soon as possible. For now, we just wanted to show you the hardware in its full-retail form.

The EVGA Killer Xeno Pro you see here will be priced at $129 when it hits store shelves in the coming weeks.

Tags:  Gaming, evga, Nic, Network, Killer, Xeno