Shuttle AK11 KT133A Based Motherboard

The Shuttle AK11 KT133A Based Motherboard - Page 3

The Shuttle AK11 KT133A Based Motherboard
Too bad this isn't a DDR board!

By, Marco "BigWop" Chiappetta
July 19, 2001

We ran ZD's Business and Content Creation Winstone benchmarks to test "real-world" performance in Office type and Multimedia applications.

More Performance
Here goes...


Here we see the Shuttle AK11 outpacing the Abit board by the smallest of margins.  If you're looking to build a system to run Office type apps, you can't go wrong with either board.  Let's turn things up a notch and see how the AK11 handles the more intense Content Creation tests...


There is not much we can say here.  The Shuttle AK11 and Abit KT7A-RAID burned through the Content Creation tests at essentially the same pace.

All in all, we'd have to say we were very pleased with the Shuttle AK11.  The quality of the board is top notch, it is an excellent performer and it's layout is near flawless.  We had a good luck while overclocking and our test system was completely stable throughout all of the benchmarks.  If you're in the market for a quality KT133A based motherboard, you cannot go wrong with the Shuttle AK11.  Barring the fact that DDR is here, and is very affordable, there is no disadvantage to owning a board such as this.  We give the VIA KT133A based Shuttle AK11 a HotHardware heat meter rating of...

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Tags:  Shuttle, Motherboard, T1, sed, k11, board, AR, K1, K

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