The Next Installment of the Multi-GPU World Tour

The next installment of the Multi-GPU world tour is on-line today.  The crew at HARDiNFO covers some of the more common benchmarks and applications at four different resolutions on each of the six systems being covered.

"This Multi-GPU World Tour is essentially 9 different sites working together to produce the largest and most comprehensive GPU review yet, featuring 6 multi-GPU setups and 60 benchmarks! At HARDiNFO we were assigned to cover the "common benchmarks". What is actually meant by "common benchmarks" you may ask? Well, all the benchmark applications included in this suite have the following in common: Thanks to built-in benchmarking routines (timedemos etc.): they are easy to use, they are stable and the results have relatively few fluctuations."


Tags:  GPU, Men, Tour, install, multi-GPU, LM, nex, XT, TAL, ULT, tou, Next