Sony's New, Slimmer PS3 Sells 1 Million Units In Three Weeks, But Can Momentum Continue?

One million. That's a pretty large number. In fact, that's a really hefty sum. And it's even larger when you hit that figure from 0 in three weeks. That's exactly what Sony has accomplished, as its newest PlayStation 3, hailed by many as the "PS3 slim," has sold one million units since debuting three weeks ago in retail. For Sony, that's a huge accomplishment, as its larger, more expensive PS3 had seen sales sag since the first day on the market.

Obviously, the crucial aspect of seeing sales soar was pricing the unit at just under $300. Considering that most decent Profile 2.0 Blu-ray players are still above $200, it's a no-brainer to just get a game console with the deal for just a bit more. There's even a 120GB hard drive thrown in to save content locally, which is a real boon for multimedia lovers. We really wish Sony would've made a cut this drastic earlier on; as it stands, both Microsoft and Sony have lowered the prices of their own consoles, making the PS3 once again the most expensive of the three.

Still, the PS3 offers a lot of advanced features that the other two lack, but we're curious if Sony can maintain the momentum. Will it hit the two million mark before Christmas? Or will those $199.99 Wiis be too tempting to soccer moms on the prowl for goodies and gifts?