Boxee iPhone Remote App Now in the App Store

Way back in July of 2008, it was a feature request: an iPhone "remote" app to control Boxee. And now, after weeks of App Store review (no kidding; check the submission date on the app) the Boxee remote app is live in the App Store, for the excellent price of free.

Boxee does categorize the remote as "very basic," but they're taking suggestions, so expect more releases (with hopefully, less time in the approval process) as time goes on. Here's what they say in their press release on the new app:
  • the boxee remote app has two modes: Gesture and Buttons
  • in the Gesture mode you need to hold down your thumb and move it around in order to navigate.
  • clicking on the boxee logo acts as Select/Play/Pause
  • dragging the boxee logo to the edges of the screen will act as a continuous up/down/left/right
  • clicking in an input field will open up the iPhone Qwerty keyboard and will enable you to easily enter text
  • the app works over WiFi, so make sure the WiFi on your iPhone is turned on
For those who need a little visual help, TapCritic has posted a YouTube demo of the app: