DUI Tech: States Outlaw Driving Under The Influence of Technology

Well, you can't exactly say that you didn't see this coming. Google Glass has raised awareness from the tech-savvy crowd all the way to the mainstream, and while a lot of folks on the cutting edge are keenly interested in seeing how Glass changes our world for the better, there are plenty of skeptics out there who can't wait to pass judgement. Already, a bar in Washington state has said that they will not allow patrons wearing Glass as a way to protect the privacy of its other guests, and now, a legislator in West Virginia has already proposed a law that would make it illegal to drive while wearing a Glass headset. Good thing it's not a law already, as a number of people deep within Google have posted images that they've captured while driving, and in fact, have suggested that one of Glass' primary high points is its use while driving.

Gary Howell, a Republican in the West Virginia legislature, has put forth HB 3057 that will bar driving "while using a wearable computer with head-mounted display." Of course, it remains to be seen if it'll pass, but it goes to show that Glass is going to have a very, very tough road ahead. By and large, those who are set in their ways have no patience for Glass, and can only see the negatives. Never mind the fact that in-car infotainment systems and heads-up displays are awfully distracting in their own right, and there's no outcry to ban that from luxury automobiles.

Howell was quoted as saying: "I actually like the idea of the product and I believe it is the future, but last legislature we worked long and hard on a no-texting-and-driving law. It is mostly the young that are the tech-savvy that try new things. They are also our most vulnerable and underskilled drivers. We heard of many crashes caused by texting and driving, most involving our youngest drivers. I see the Google Glass as an extension. I am a libertarian, and government has no business protecting us from ourselves, but it does have a duty to make sure I don’t injure or kill someone else."

Regardless of how you feel about Glassing While Driving, one thing is for sure: Google's head-worn computer system is going to face a seriously daunting amount of negativity, and overcoming those hurdles is going to be just as difficult as honing the technology itself.